Start with the brand. Infuse it into every element.
Make it cohesive. Make a connection. Make your brand matter.
The ACE Champions Gallery
Naples, FL
Ritz Carlton Golf Resort
Year in and year out, ACE has paid homage to an esteemed group of its customers via invitations to attend and play with the PGA champions during its sponsorship event. And each year, during the event week, an evening was set aside for special recognition and appreciation of guests. Typically a dinner and an awards program stages in a tent beautifully designed to be expressive of the brand and the game.
But the game changes, so to speak, when our customer communicated that the landscape for the dinner event should be shaped by the guests. With that in mind, we defined the mission. PGA Champions aside, we knew that the customers were the true champions of ACE. Champion business partners. Champion players on the greens, Champion people. And as such should be showcased accordingly.
The ACE Champions Gallery took form. Over the course of 2 days, guests were photographed. Prints were framed. And an authentic gallery installation developed to showcase this priceless collection of VIPs. From the stage to the walls to the tables settings, the environment reflected the crisp, clean, finished look of a traditional gallery. Artful arrangements of prints, beautifully designed lighting, rich wood accents, well-manicured tablescapes and avant garde soundtracks were selected to make the composition a success.
According to our client, we scored a hole in one and are now being challenged to stage a similar but different treatment in 2014. Stay tuned.